Pantheon Filaments (Old)

Pantheon Filaments (Old)

This article is a general usage guide for Pantheon materials

Basic Material Data

More details can be found under the individual materials pages.

CF-PETG (Old)archived CF-Nylon (Old)archived GF-Nylon (Old)archived









Tensile Strength ISO 527

49 MPa

119 MPa

89 MPa

Young's Modulus ISO 527

4200 MPa

8150 MPa

4955 MPa

Heat Deflection @ 0.45MPa
ISO 75: Method B

72 °C

186 °C

170 °C

Heat Deflection @ 1.80MPa
ISO 75: Method A


112 °C

111 °C

Filament Handling

Most plastics absorb moisture from the air, and hydration causes many issues during printing.
When handling Pantheon filament, be especially careful with exposing it to air.

Opening a spool

When opening a spool, try to move it immediately into a spool holder. Don't leave it on the counter while you grab a coffee, etc.

Spool holder

on the spool holder, make sure:

  • The humidity is at 10% or lower, if higher, refill with dry desiccant

    • when you open the spool holder, it will spike up but should settle back within half an hour

  • the latch is always closed, this preloads the foam seal

Swapping spools

When swapping a partially used spool, make sure you store the partial spool in a sealed container with desiccant.

a ziplock back with no desicant is not a acceptable storage solution, water molecules are tiny, so tiny infact that they can work their way through the plastic of the bag.

We recommend a Tupperware container with a silicone seal and a handful of desiccant at the bottom.



Filament Selection

We have 3 materials to select from; we generally use CF-PETG for most prints; it's got a great combination of feature detail, print speed, strength, and environmental resistance.

The Nylons we have are in general, higher temperature and stronger for the trade of off, slower to print, and have less feature detail.

Material selection flow chart

This is not a comprehensive guide, and ignores many material properties like environmental resistances, chemical resistances, lubricity, etc. but its a starting point.






