Modifying Features.yml

Modifying Features.yml

Some upgrades to your HS3 may require changing the printer’s configuration settings.

Pantheon’s HS3 uses a config management tool to generate printer.cfg based on a list of features and hardware installed in the printed. This file can be found under config/features.yml

Template Download


Features.yml is a YAML formatted file listing the basic features and settings for your HS3. There are mandatory fields for features all printers have, and optional fields for features only some printers have.

Below is an example of a default features.yml file

--- printer: process: FFF axes-limits: x: 300 y: 307.5 z: 300 hardware: chassis: original mainboard: manta-m8p-v2-0 printhead-board: ebb42-v1-2 printhead: original z-ballscrews: ground camera-light: direct-wired filament-sensor: direct-wired ...

Format Rules


  1. All files must start with --- and end with ... characters.

  2. Sections must be indented as shown in the above example

This would be invalid:

--- printer: process: FFF axes-limits: x: 300 y: 307.5 z: 300 hardware: chassis: original mainboard: manta-m8p-v2-0 printhead-board: ebb42-v1-2 printhead: original z-ballscrews: ground camera-light: direct-wired filament-sensor: direct-wired ...
  1. All names are case-sensitive

This would be invalid:

--- Printer: PROCESS: fff AxEs-liMits: X: 300 y: 307.5 z: 300 hardware: Chassis: Original mainboard: Manta-m8p-v2-0 printhead-board: ebb42-v1-2 printhead: original z-ballscrews: GROUND camera-light: direct-wired filament-sensor: direct-wired ...

Mandatory Fields

The following is the mandatory minimum set of fields for a features.yml file:


x, y, z Maximum travel for each axis in millimeters


chassis Machine frame style. original is the only option

printhead Printhead style. original is the only option

mainboard Machine main board. Either manta-m8p-v1-2 or manta-m8p-v2-0

printhead-board Printhead board. ebb42-v1-2 is the only option

Optional Hardware Fields

All of these options must be added under the hardware: level in features.yml
