Print Head Fails to Connect (Old)

Print Head Fails to Connect (Old)

This page outlines testing and repair procedures for a print head which fails to connect.

The most common error message you will see is mcu 'EBBCan': Unable to connect

The two common causes are:

  • The printhead fuse is blown

  • The printhead cable is damaged or incorrectly installed


Testing for a blown printhead fuse

  1. Power the printer ON

  2. Using a multimeter in DC Voltage mode, check the voltage in the power pins on the printhead connector:

3. The expected voltage is 24V. If no voltage is detected, the printhead fuse is most likely blown.

Testing for a disconnected printhead cable

  1. Power the printer OFF

  2. Using a multimeter in Resistance mode, check the resistance in the data pins on the printhead connector:

3. The expected resistance is 60Ohms. If the resistance is higher or lower, the printhead cable is likely disconnected.
