HS3 Setup and Safety
This setup guide provides information on how to uncrate the HS3 machine an setup it up with it’s supporting software.
Notice If you have any trouble in your setup process, please contact us to help support@pantheondesign.ca
Safety Guide
Safety Verbose
Throughout all Pantheon documentation , important safety considerations are highlighted from the main text with an associated signal word: DANGER, Caution, NOTICE. The signal word indicates the severity of the condition or situation. Be sure to read these statements and understand the severity of each. Be sure to follow the instructions for these statements. Below is a table describing each signal word:
Signal Word | Description |
DANGER | Danger means that there is a condition or situation that will cause severe injury or death if the recommended actions are not followed. |
Caution | Caution means that personal injury or damage to the machine can occur if the recommended actions are not followed. |
NOTICE | Notice means that the text gives additional information, clarification, tips, or where to seek support. |
General Safety Notes
Read all safety warnings, instructions, illustrations, and specifications provided in this manual and on HS3. Failure to adhere to all instructions may result in personal injury or damage to the machine. Only authorized or trained personnel may operate this machine. Untrained personnel presents a hazard to themselves and the machine. Always follow the guidelines from the relevant workplace safety authority in your area (OSHA, CCOHS, EU-OSHA). If unclear on any sections within Pantheon documentation, contact us at support@pantheondesign.ca.
HS3 Safety Precautions
Do not modify any files in the System Directory of the Web Console without specific approval from Pantheon.
Do not modify or alter any mechanical components of HS3 without specific approval from Pantheon.
Never reach into, or place any body part within the enclosure while HS3 is performing a print job.
If multiple people have simultaneous control of HS3, or multiple HS3 units, ensure a suitable workflow is in place to minimize the risk of the machine becoming active while an individual is in hazardous proximity to the machine.
Work Area Safety
The work area must be adequately illuminated and free from clutter.
Do not place HS3 in a confined space where heater elements of the system may significantly increase the temperature of the space.
Do not place HS3 in a position where it may accidentally be exposed to water or other fluids.
Do not place HS3 on an uneven or non-level surface. A flat and sturdy work surface is suggested.
Electrical Safety
Keep metallic objects or tools away from electrical connectors and terminations or while the machine is operating otherwise a risk of electrical shock exists.
When performing any maintenance tasks involving the electrical system, ensure the machine is powered off unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Personal Safety
Always use personal protective equipment when required.
Some components of HS3 can reach temperatures that can cause severe burns if handled without care. Thoroughly follow the instructions when dealing with such components.
Understand that HS3 is computer controlled and may move at unexpected speeds and distances. To prevent crush or entanglement risk, only open the enclosure of the machine when it is in a known and safe state.
Safety Topics Specific to Additive Manufacturing Systems
All fused deposition additive machines contain hazards from heat sources and automatically moving components.
All fused deposition additive machine create volatiles as plastic media is heated past it’s glass transition temperature. Be sure to use HS3 in a well ventilated area.
Unboxing and Setup
CAUTION It is recommended to perform all the installation steps next to the machine. Do not perform operations from the web console that result in motion of the printer unless directly present, i.e. sitting in front of it with a computer.
CAUTION Failure to completely follow the instructions in this section may result in operator injury or damage to the machine. Do not begin the installation procedure unless all preparations for installation are taken or completed. Read the entirety of each instruction before beginning the task. Only perform the tasks in the order they are listed.
General Machine Requirements
Allow yourself ample space to unbox and install the machine.
The machine alone weighs approximately 65 kg (143lbs) and thus requires two people to lift or move.
The machine should be operated indoors within the nominal temperature range of 10-35℃.
The machine should be placed on a rigid and level surface. You need a sturdy table, a cheap IKEA table will break and drop the printer on the floor!
The recommended space requirements for the machine are 100 cm by 70 cm with at least 120 cm height to allow for the enclosure lid to open. If placed on a table or work surface, the surface should be able to support 65 kg. See Table Options for HS3 for an idea of what we recommend.
The machine is powered from a standard 120VAC 15A wall outlet.
A strong and secured wireless network or ethernet connection is required.
Installation Video
CAUTION Use protective gloves when removing the machine from the shipping box.
Unboxing Procedure
CAUTION Use protective gloves when removing the machine from the shipping box.
Using a hammer or pry bar, bend back the tabs at the edges and bottom of the crate.
Remove the lid of the crate first, then the side panels.
Remove the tape securing the door and lid of the machine.
Using a 1/4” socket, or an empty multi-bit screwdriver, remove the brackets securing the machine feet to the crate base (4 pieces in total).
Inspect for any damage that may have occurred during shipping.
CAUTION Two people are required to move or lift the machine. Do not attempt to move the machine yourself. Use of a wheeled cart to move significant distances is recommended
Lift the machine from below the base plate and place it in its intended operating position.
Remove the protective plastic film from the machine.
Using a 4mm Allen key, unscrew and remove the shipping braces on the X, Y and Z ball-screws (5 pieces in total).
Locate a suitable electrical outlet and ensure the main power switch of the HS3 is in the OFF position. Plug the machine into mains power using the provided power cable.
Flip the main power switch to the ON position. The switch should illuminate. The servo motors of the machine will energize and an audible “clunk” may be heard. This is not a concern.
The machine’s display will become active and will go through several start up screens. The machine’s touchscreen is ready to interact with when you are presented with the following display:
Connecting to a Network
On the front panel of the printer navigate to the Utilities sub menu and then Network. The machine will search for available networks. If none are present, tap the refresh button.
NOTICE The Wi-Fi screen currently may take a long time to load. If after 5 minutes no networks appear, reboot the machine and try again. If the problem persists, contact support: support@pantheondesign.ca
Select your network and enter the password.
Once the machine has connected, you will be able to connect to the Printer Controls | Web Console
You can access the Web Console by using the name of your machine shown on the top panel of the touchscreen or the IP address found in the Network Menu once connected to a network. Be sure you are on the same network as the machine. Enter the name or the IP address into your web browser. For example:
Plug your ethernet cable into the ethernet jack on the back of the HS3, it is located above the power cord receptacle.
It may take 1-2 minutes for the ethernet to connect.
Once the machine has connected, you will be able to connect to the Printer Controls | Web Console
You can access the Web Console by using the name of your machine shown on the top panel of the touchscreen or the IP address found in the Network Menu once connected to a network. Be sure you are on the same network as the machine. Enter the name or the IP address into your web browser. For example:
Advanced Networking Setup
Advanced networking setup here → https://pantheondesign.atlassian.net/wiki/x/MgBBK
Pantheon Slicer is how we convert our 3D models into g-code the HS3 can use to make parts. Slicing software is equivalent to CAM or programming in the CNC world. The slicer takes parts and “slices” them into layers that the printer prints. The slicer generates the exact path the nozzle follows. Things like wall thicknesses, top and bottom thicknesses, speeds, support structures etc. are all configured in the slicer.
Download Link
Installation Guide
tip Pantheon Slicer is compatible with Windows 10, 11, Mac OS Intel and Apple M1 and newer devices.
Download and run the .msi installer above.
Download the .dmg file from the link above. Open the DMG and drag the PantheonSlicer.app file into your Applications folder.
Once installation finishes you can launch the application. The config wizard can be skipped with the “x” button as the HS3 is the only option for configuration.
Next steps
This is the end of the setup guide, please continue to Normal Operations to learn how to use your HS3.
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