(Beta) Pantheon Slicer 3

(Beta) Pantheon Slicer 3

Download the latest release here

Print Profiles on Pantheon Slicer 3 have improved geometric tolerancing that may change the way your parts fit from previous Slicers.


Pantheon Slicer is how we convert our 3D models into g-code the HS3 can use to make parts. Slicing software is equivalent to CAM or programming in the CNC world. The slicer takes parts and “slices” them into layers that the printer prints. The slicer generates the exact path the nozzle follows. Things like wall thicknesses, top and bottom thicknesses, speeds, support structures etc. are all configured in the slicer.

Pantheon Slicer is compatible with Windows 10, 11, Mac OS Intel and Apple M1 and newer devices.

TODO: Slicer overview video

Please read this entire document before slicing and printing with the Pantheon HS3.

Setup and Installation


  1. Download and run the .msi installer above.

  2. Once installation finishes you can launch the application. The config wizard can be skipped with the “x” button as the HS3 is the only option for configuration.





  1. Download the .dmg file above. Copy the PantheonSlicer.app file into your Applications folder.

  2. Once installation finishes you can launch the application. The config wizard can be skipped with the “x” button as the HS3 is the only option for configuration.

Importing a Part

Pantheon Slicer 3 is compatible with the following file formats: .STL, .OBJ, .3MF, .AMF, .STEP, .STP

You can drag and drop files directly into the Pantheon Slicer window or use the add button or File→Import→Import 3MF… highlighted below.


Screenshot 2024-09-24 131841.png

Orienting a Part

You will need to rotate the part onto a face to print it, your part may import in the correct orientation already, but this step is often necessary

The Easiest way to do this is to use the Lay-on-face tool. Click your model, then click the Lay on face button. Faces will appear on your part, select the one you want contacting the bed and the object will rotate into place.

Slicer Settings

Printer, Filament and Process settings can be found on the left panel.

Process / Filament Settings

Select the profile according to the material you are printing with. We have tuned these defaults to be effective for most applications. If changes are required to fit your needs, these defaults will be an effective starting point.


General purpose material:

  • 45-50 MPa tensile, depending on process settings

  • Operating temp up to 70°C

  • Great layer bonding - 85% isotropic

  • Good UV/chemical resistances


High temp, High Stiffness, High strength

  • 95-120 MPa tensile, depending on the process settings

  • Operating temps up to 140°C

  • Super stiff - 8150 MPa modulus

  • Resistant to creep at high temps


High temp, high impact, high lubricity

  • 90-110 MPa tensile, depending on the process settings

  • Operating temp up to 95°C

  • Low friction, high lubricity

Printer Settings

Pantheon HS3 0.4 Nozzle

  • That's our only system, so hopefully, that's why you are here

Slicing and Exporting

Once you have imported a model, orientated it, and selected your process settings you can slice and export the file (.gcode).

Click the Slice plate button, then the Export G-code Button, and save the file.

You are now ready to upload and print on the HS3.

Application Update

Updates come in 2 types:

1. Software update

On software start up, you may see a pop-up notifying a new version of the Slicer is available. Clicking Download will lead you to the Download page mentioned above. Follow the same instruction to install the newer version.



2. Profile update

Profile updates will show up as a notification on the right bottom corner. Click Detail->OK, and the profile updates should be applied automatically.


Profiles Failed to Load

If any of the 3 sections (shown below) are set to Default, then it means the slicer failed to load the corresponding profile:

You should try a clean installation:

On Windows system

  1. Delete the configuration folder and re-run the set-up wizard.

    1. Go to Setttings→Help→Show Configuration Folder (Shown below). It will open a PantheonSlicer-3 folder

    2. Close the application.

    3. Delete the PantheonSlicer-3 folder. (*If you have made any custom changes/profiles, you need to move the user folder to somewhere else, and put it back later)

    4. Open the application, and re-run the setup wizard.

  1. Re-install the application.

    1. Follow the instructions above to remove the configuration folder.

    2. Uninstall the application, and re-install the application.

On macOS

  1. Delete the configuration folder and re-run the set-up wizard.

    1. Go to Help→Show Configuration Folder (Shown below). It will open a PantheonSlicer-3 folder

    2. Close the application.

    3. Delete the PantheonSlicer-3 folder. (*If you have made any custom changes/profiles, you need to move the user folder to somewhere else, and put it back later)

    4. Open the application, and re-run the setup wizard.

  2. Re-install the application.

    1. Follow the instructions above to remove the configuration folder.

    2. Remove the application, and re-install the application.

Source Code

Source code for PantheonSlicer-3 can be viewed and downloaded here:

GitHub - Pantheon-Design/PantheonSlicer-3: Pantheon's fork of orca slicer, under construction!

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Basic Slicer Tuning (Old)archived

Updating Slicer Settings - PantheonSlicer (Old)archived


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